Friday, June 29, 2007

good news!

among the loads of stress and frustration we have finally gotten some good news. Peace corps medically cleared us! I faxed over some heb b test results and received the news a few hours later. Now we are eligible to be considered for placement. From what i've read invitations normally follow about 1-4 weeks after medical clearance. YEA! Pray for Kristi and myself as we head out on monday...hopefully.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


so kristi and i leave the USA on monday the second of july if all goes as plans. the last few weeks have been crazy and at times i feel like im losing my mind. we finally got a response as to our medical status after aprox 6 months. they needed more info, so between working kristi and i scurried between doctors offices and dental clinics. kristis info seems to all be in order and they are just waiting on a heb b result for me. added to our drama was the fact that kristis passport has not arrived. we were told 2 weeks ago to call within 48hrs of our departure date to set up an emergency appointment at the new Orleans immigration office. so today we called and were promptly told that sorry we do not have any appointments available anywhere in the us and there is nothing further we can do for you. Kristi and i decided to call back and were able to secure an appointment for 8am on monday (the day of our departure) but due to the 3hour drive kristi will not have made it back on time to pensacola to catch our flight. so for the price of another plane ticket to france we scheduled her a flight out of new orleans to philly where she will meet up with me as we cross the big water to sweden. Needless to say my nerves are shot and my brain is about to explode. we still have not done any packing and havent sold her car. I cant wait for the moment we board the plane and know its all over. whats done is done and what isnt done is well.. not done. hopefully my medical clearance will be soon and then we should get our invitation from peace corps stating where we will serve and what we will do.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

life is good in the neighborhood

Life is good, just pulling teeth and selling cars. Time to leave is coming very soon. We will miss some things and not a lot of others. Weather is hot and people are sweating. Peace corps is waiting but then so is sweden, france and our great family road trip.