Friday, August 17, 2007

drive-thru Europe

Kristi and I have returned from our trip through Spain, France and Portugal. I never cease to be amazed at the incredible world that God has created. The diversity of peoples, the ways of life, and the landscapes, always make me realize that my corner of the world is very small. What's even more amazing is that despite all these thousands of differences, there exists the common experience of mankind. Poverty is poverty, sorrow is sorrow, and happiness is happiness no matter where you go. Sure their forms and expressions differ, but the experience is commonly shared. What an amazing God we serve that despite all these differences and despite all the commonalities, He reveals Himself to all. A God who is mighty to save not just those of certain regions, certain life stories, or certain races- but a God whose arms reach around the world to anyone who calls on Him. Last night my family and I went to a Hillsong church in downtown Paris. There were people from all over the world; Koreans, Africans, Americans, Australians, French and who knows who else, gathered with one purpose-to praise our wonderful Creator. During the service while watching all these people worship in their own unique ways, I had the feeling that this is what Heaven would be like one day. Where color, background, nationalities and possessions mean nothing. Where the sole purpose for coming together is greater than ourselves. What a great God we serve, a God more than able to save anyone who cries out to him from anywhere, in any language.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Porto, Portugal

sitting in a internet cafe here in porto portugal with 13minutes left of web time. just updating to say we are safe and enjoying our euro road trip very much. Planning to hit seville, granada and lisbon on our way home. will post pics and more info on out return to civilization.