Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"In Africa even the flies are happy" - breytenbach

yo i be back from hiatus to fill yer little minds with more of me worthless rhythms and rhymes. i look into the crystal ball of me future and see much turbulence therefore it is well that the world knows how i feel. me wee heart says bring all that this life can for when she spews me out on the other side i will certainly have more character. be forewarned that me mind is not consumer friendly and i make no excuses for bringing any form of discomfort to yer complacent soul. (for more entertaiment read the previous post with an Ali G accent)


Kristi Van Der Merwe said...

what?!? what is up with your ali g are crazy!

SvenJosefson said...

character is like uh, well it uh keeps you going proper.